***All Purpose Fertilizer for Tomatoes in Pots ***

LazyGardener fertilizer sticks for tomato: GreenStix and BloomStix
✨ Hassle-free - Completely mess-free unlike normal fertilizer.
🍅 Essential Nutrition - For the best growth of your tomatoes and vegetables.
⏳ Slow-Release - Continuous feed for up to 60 days.
Greenstick provides complete health growth for tomatoes and other vegetables in pots. Bloomstick is a bloom booster for flowers in vegetable that grow from it.
What nutrients do tomato plants need?
For juicy, bigger & bountiful, healthy tomatoes proper macronutrients are a must. Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorus. Tomato plants also need other micro-nutrients. The Ratio of these macro and micronutrients differs during fruiting and non-fruiting periods.
Lazy Gardener Green Stick: During the non-fruiting period
They need high nitrogen for lush green leaves and complete growth of a tomato plant. Buy Greenstix, it provides all the nutrients for tomatoes during the growing period. Greenstick also works for green houseplants and leafy vegetables.