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Lazygardener plant fertilizer food for Tomato and Vegetables

***All Purpose Fertilizer for Tomatoes in Pots ***

Fertilizer stick for bigger and bountiful tomatoes in pots

LazyGardener fertilizer sticks for tomato: GreenStix and BloomStix

  • ✨ Hassle-free - Completely mess-free unlike normal fertilizer.
    🍅 Essential Nutrition - For the best growth of your tomatoes and vegetables.
    ⏳ Slow-Release - Continuous feed for up to 60 days.

Greenstick provides complete health growth for tomatoes and other vegetables in pots. Bloomstick is a bloom booster for flowers in vegetable that grow from it. 

Plant food sticks for houseplants

What nutrients do tomato plants need?

For juicy, bigger & bountiful, healthy tomatoes proper macronutrients are a must. Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorus. Tomato plants also need other micro-nutrients. The Ratio of these macro and micronutrients differs during fruiting and non-fruiting periods.

Lazy Gardener Green Stick: During the non-fruiting period

They need high nitrogen for lush green leaves and complete growth of a tomato plant. Buy Greenstix, it provides all the nutrients for tomatoes during the growing period. Greenstick also works for green houseplants and leafy vegetables.

Lazy Gardener Bloom Stick: During the fruiting period

They need high phosphorus and low nitrogen for bigger and larger amounts of tomato. Bloom stick, contains high phosphorus for bloom booster for tomato flowers. Bloomstix also works for all flowering plants, colorful leaves, fruit & vegetables. 

To order Greenstix and Bloomstix, contact us via WhatsApp at +919105593055


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