How To Make Plants Grow Faster and Bigger? 10 Actionable Ways To Boost Plant Growth Naturally
Depending on the type of plant, the growth rate may vary. For example, Aloe Vera takes about 3 to 4 years to reach full maturity while it just takes 45-50 days to grow a Rose plant. However there are certain universal factors that can aid faster and stronger growth of any indoor or outdoor plant.
So What Makes Plants Grow Faster & Bigger?
Water, air, light, soil nutrients, and the correct temperature coupled with affection and care are the most basic factors to make a plant grow faster and bigger. Read along to know the 10 simple tips that will help your plants achieve faster and stronger growth.
1. Soil:
Ready to get your hands dirty? Plants require nutrients from the soil. The golden rule is that an excellent soil must provide all nutrients, including organic matter, air, water, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. So, to improve your soil quality from better to best, you should never forget to add these nutrients timely!
Adding compost, for example, can be one way to rejuvenate the nutrients. However, individual needs may differ. Therefore, we must occasionally conduct a soil test to know what fertilizers are specifically needed for what type. As closely as we provide these adjustments, the results can be enchanting.
2. Fertilizers:
To make a nutritious, organic substrate, we can choose between organic or chemical fertilizers. Manures, compost, and bone meal are examples of organic fertilizers obtained directly from plant or animal sources, while the inorganic fertilizers undergo a thorough manufacturing process. Fertilizers can also be of various forms – liquid, powdered, or even granular.
Are you wondering how to use them? To add fertilizers, scratch the soil using a cultivator. Apply the fertilizer by gently pouring or spreading it depending on the form. The last step? Simply water well. Because roots can go several feet beyond the drip line, make sure fertilizer is fanned out broad enough to reach all of them.
3. Light:
Light is known as the essential elixir of energy. Interestingly, this is one of the primary needs of plants to make their food. However, insufficient light, whether natural or artificial, can inhibit development by limiting photosynthesis, the process of turning water and carbon dioxide into the sugars and carbohydrates required for growth.
Desert cactus can flourish in direct sunshine, and the interior snake plant can thrive in low light. Depending on direct or indirect sunlight requirements, we must always choose the optimal light balance for rapid development.
4. Temperature:
We know plants are sensitive beings like us. They also respond to temperature fluctuations by showing various signs physically. As they get a more favourable temperature, new leaves, new stems, more fruit or flowers, and even depth in the colors and textures become evident. During cold weather, home gardeners often cover them with blankets to avoid frost or relocate them altogether from the outdoors during intense heat.
If you haven’t already started keeping them in suitable temperatures, do it now and gradually see the magic blooming yourself.
5. Water:
Water, just like sunlight, is another primary need to prepare food through photosynthesis. Deep down in the soil, water delivers nutrients up via the root system. It carries nutrients from roots to the top, much like what blood does in the human body. However, gardeners often water their plants either excessively or just too little, disrupting the supply of nutrients and damaging them.
Water requirement depends on the type and the weather conditions the plant is exposed to. A simple moisture check in the soil can tell you a lot about the water requirements at the moment. By putting your finger into the soil, you can determine how much water is needed. There is appropriate hydration if it feels wet but not too sticky. If the soil feels dry or does not feel wet enough, it is time to feed. It is definitely thirsty. However, ensure proper drainage holes in the indoor and outdoor pots to avoid root rotting or damp feet from happening due to water stagnation.
Nature has assets in bounty for its flora that we can use to encourage development. Let us talk about some other extraordinary ways that can essentially assist our plants in growing faster:
Adding manure to the soil is an excellent method of providing nutrition. It maintains the soil permeability, enhances its water retention capacity, and protects against nutritional shortages often caused by chemical fertilizer overuse. For organic gardeners, it is always preferable to use chemical-free manure as it has a long-term positive impact on the soil. There is no risk of overfeeding with organic manure since the plant absorbs only what it needs. It provides both macronutrients and micronutrients, aerates the soil, and reduces leaching.
As all types of plants can benefit from organic manure, you don’t have to be choosy while adding manure to them.
Banana Peels
Gardeners can literally ‘go bananas’ when it comes to using kitchen-based natural fertilizers. Sounds crazy? It is not! Banana peels contain up to 42 percent potassium (K) which is one of the three principal components of any fertilizer, together with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). These banana peels are therefore ideal for gardens when it comes to organic fertilizers.
Potassium promotes the movement of nutrients and water between cells, strengthens the stems, and protects plants from many diseases. Surprisingly, it is also crucial for making flowers and improving the flavor of fruits. With an abundant supply of potassium, they also become more drought-tolerant.
Enough said about the advantages, how would we really utilize them? It is less complex than you might think. Simply bury banana peels in the soil, and as they decompose, they will release their nutrients. Banana peel tea may also be made by placing banana peels in a container and covering them with water. After a week or two of steeping, you’ll have a nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer. Unlike powdered or solid fertilizers, this liquid fertilizer reaches the roots directly and quickly. If you are looking for an easier solution, you could also choose to go for a readymade natural banana fertilizer powder.
Compost Tea
Do you know about the liquid gold or black gold of the gardening world? It is compost tea! Compost tea is praised as a magical elixir that allows plants to grow stronger and quicker. The entire premise of compost tea is to enhance the amount of biological life in the soil. This soil life aids the plant in its gradual development and makes it resistant to diseases. It also introduces healthy bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, etc., in the soil, increasing this soil web life and, therefore, soil quality. The application of compost tea is an easy task. Simply dilute the tea in water in the ratio of 1:4 and spray it directly to the soil using a sprayer or water can.
Onion peels and garlic skin
Without spending any money, these are terrific methods to add nutrients. Don’t throw away the peels; instead, use them to make organic potassium-rich fertilizer by soaking them in water for 2-3 days and adding them directly into the soil. As Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, and Copper are plentifully present in this fertilizer, the plants become more disease resistant, develop faster, and produce more flowers and fruits. Well, now you have the know-how to put them to use!
Carbonated water
Carbonated water is produced by infusing Carbon Dioxide into the water, resulting in a bubble effect. You can hear the fizz already, right? Carbon Dioxide is a fundamental element of the photosynthesis cycle, without which the plants can’t make their own sugar. Carbonated water includes macronutrients that are needed for their development.
Potassium, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, Sulphur, and salt are some of the major nutrients found in it. Now, because the nutrients have already been dissolved, the plant can more easily absorb them before they drain out of the soil. However, carbonated water should be slowly dripped into the soil. This gives the plants proper time to absorb CO2 and other nutrients.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What causes slow plant growth?
Ans. Stunted growth can be a symptom of a more significant problem, indicating that your plant is sick. To determine what is causing this slow development, you will need to figure out the leading causes. Once you identify the primary causes of this pace, you can take some of the measures mentioned above in the article to help your plants regain energy and composure. To name a few direct causes, these can be-
Lack of light or too much light:
An imbalance in terms of exposure to sunlight can be one reason they are unable to grow. When over-exposed, some of them can even start looking dull and upset.
Lack of water or excessive water:
Irregular watering or excess watering can also gradually affect the plant’s health. Due to excessive watering, the nutrients in the soil can get drained away quickly, leaving less and fewer nutrients in the soil for absorption.
Lack of fertilizers or adding them too much:
After a while, the nutrients in the soil get absorbed by the plant, and hence the soil is left with deficient levels of nutrients. If fertilizers (organic or natural) are not added occasionally, this can lead to a slow pace of development.
The limited capacity of the pots:
When the plants start to outgrow the pots, the roots do not get sufficient space to spread. They need more space, and hence you must repot them into a bigger pot.
Increase in salt content due to alkaline water:
If the water you use for watering has high salt content, the soil may start accumulating this salt over time, making it unfit for the roots to an extent. It is always a smart move to get your soil sample tested in the laboratories from time to time to check the composition of the soil.
Cold temperatures:
When the plants face unfavorable freezing temperatures, they may want to divert their energy to simply survive the cold rather than invest in new leaves or flowers.
Lack of humidity:
Some plants flourish best when they are kept in a humid atmosphere. If there is a lack of humidity, they may start showing unhealthy symptoms such as dropping off lower leaves. Try shifting them to moist spots.
Poor drainage:
If the drainage in the pots is poor, there are chances that the water may become stagnant and create root rotting. If left unchecked, this rotting can significantly start damaging the plant from beneath as the roots cannot absorb any nutrition from the soil.
Q2. What fertilizers will make my plant grow faster?
Ans. Fertilizers are a great way of introducing appropriate nutrients to the soil. They can supply the necessary micro and macronutrients to the plants and cover for the nutritional deficiency in the soil over time. Good quality Epsom salt fertilizers can be a great choice to make them grow faster, bushier and bigger. These can improve their overall health and enhance the output and flavor of fruits and veggies. Onion peel, banana peel, or seaweed-based fertilizers can also help significantly increase the pace of growth. It is always an intelligent choice to regularly add fertilizers to ensure abundant raw materials to make their food. However, keep in mind that you always go for high-quality products while choosing these fertilizers from the market!
Q3. What should I add to the soil to grow plants faster?
Ans. There are a lot of options to fuel the growth of plants through the soil. However, the soil is a not-so-simple component in this process and requires different elements to support them from time to time.
For flowering and non-flowering plants, the soil should have an adequate quantity of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Adding them through fertilizers increases their quantity in the soil, helps your plant to grow faster and provides necessary and timely nutrients for the absorption and development of solid stems.
It is also crucial that there is excellent drainage and adequate water retention to avoid soil-related problems that can damage the roots.
The following is a comprehensive list of excellent-quality products offered by LazyGardener.in that you can add to your soil to increase plant growth:
- GreenStix – These are all-purpose plant food sticks that provide necessary nutrients for a much longer duration with absolutely no additional requirements.
- BloomStix – These are nutritious food sticks rich in phosphorous and a perfect blend of micro and macronutrients for flowering plants. They significantly help in bringing out healthier flowers for both the annuals and the perennials.
- Organic Seaweed Liquid Fertilizer - This is an organic and absolutely non-toxic plant food extracted from particular sea algae rich in NPK, natural hormones, amino acids, and other macro and micronutrients. It is an excellent addition to the soil to prevent root infection and fungal ailments, promote healthier germination of seeds, and increase water retention.
- Banana Peel Powder – Bananas are a rich source of nutrition. Therefore, this powder is rich in Potassium, Calcium, Sodium, Manganese, Magnesium, and even phosphorous. As an almost complete package of nutrients, it improves the overall health of the plants and produces bigger, tastier, and bountiful fruits and flowers.
- Drainage Expert Pumice stones – This is a comprehensive solution to drainage problems in the soil. Therefore, adding these stones to the soil improves the drainage and moisture-holding capacity and prevents root rotting as they absorb the excess moisture.
- Epsom Salt Fertilizer – It is a 100% water-soluble plant food that, when added to the soil, provides two essential nutrients for a healthy plant – Magnesium and Sulphur. It makes them bushier, bigger, and more output generating.
To conclude, it is imperative to understand a simple law of nature. All efforts to support plant development can never create results overnight. Thus, they should be given their time to prosper. Just with continuous efforts and persistence, the ideal output is possible to accomplish. Make these simple adjustments and experience the wizardry with each new leaf or petal you can see spreading its appeal, one wonder at a time.
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